Reading This Site
Note: This post remains on top so you will find new posts and updates to existing ones below.
The Westcott Foundation
David Chandler
B.Kaye and David Beckner
Clara DeWilde
D. Conner
Margaret and Paul Evans
The Craig Family
Thomas Ely
Dave and Elise Borne
Charles Shearer
Kamran Boka
Melinda Skinner
Raised to date: $3,229/$12,000 for 2006-07 season. This is going to take a team effort and I really appreciate the generosity of my sponsors and those helping in other ways.
Sponsor Card
Thanks for your interest and support!
A Spectator Guide
Contents (most recent posts first):
The Energy to Move
My decision.
AK 07
A blurb about this summer.
A milestone and touring the ski jumping facilities.
Life of a Devo Athlete
Early season update.
BG man takes up skeleton
Links to recent article in the BG Daily News.
USA Skeleton Lake Placid Schedule (UPDATED) for 2006-07
Includes training times and more.
Searching for the skeleton key
A brief on my recent Courier Journal interview/ article.
Skeleton School to Traffic School,
Warm Weather and Winter Sports,
We're just the kids that found the biggest hill...
The above posts talk about my experiences at Skeleton School in November 2006 (include photos).
You're Pretty Sure You'll Never Be the Next Great Skeleton Racer
Provides information about the progression of an athlete in the sport of Skeleton.
Sponsorship: A Tax-deductible Donation or Gift?
Post outlines the USBSF Athletic Training Fund and the process of becoming a sponsor.
Skeleton School Announced
Highlights from the USBSF Skeleton School 2006 announcement/ schedule.
Skeleton Training (Updated)
This post addresses common training questions and gives insight into the types of exercises/ movements that are prevalent in my training.
Meet Jay Beckner
A brief autobiographical section including how I found the sport and my motivations/ values.
What Exactly Is Skeleton?
Post gives a good explanation of the sport and its origins.
Journey To The 2010 Winter Olympics
A brief introduction to my goals in Skeleton. The recruiters say they are searching for 2014 Olympians now, but I'm gunning for Vancouver!
Skeleton Tracks and Sliding Experience
Austria Igls
Canada Calgary
Germany Altenberg
Germany Konigssee
Germany Winterberg
France LaPlagne
Italy Cesana Pariol (Torino)
Japan Nagano
Latvia Sigulda
Norway Lillehammer
Switzerland St. Moritz
USA Lake Placid 81 runs
USA Park City
Congratulations on your Journey to the 2010 olympics, i sincerely hope you make it! I'm originally from Lake Placid, NY, currently residing in Nashville, been here about 3 years and moving back up north this summer, found your blog while looking for winter pictures of the north country. I wish you the best of luck and will be watching out for you. enjoyed looking at the photos!
Anonymous, at 11:33 AM
Hello. And Bye.
Anonymous, at 6:28 PM
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